Van Gogh

Van Gogh

Sunday 6 July 2014

“silence is the language of God,
 all else is poor translation.”
 ― Rumi

 I am certain that this wisdom dawns on most of us,quite late in life... late enough to have so much guilt and regret, that it eclipses our chance of reaching God sooner. But just like all eclipses, this eclipse is also brief and temporary.              

Silence like all other words has so many meanings, so many shades... Rumi talks of silence of contemplation, of introspection and of inner peace. In the silence of our hearts God speaks to us. Cause knowing oneself is knowing God. The noise in the head is the voice of logic, of reason, which noise tries to drown us and our link to God.

            But seriously, how many do take silence as a strength? silence is considered as a weakness. It is taken as a evidence of guilt. I don't know.... many are even scared of this silence inside. they try fill it with words, thoughts and create so much of noise that they cant even hear the voice of their inner self, telling us to be quiet and be still.   
            Here I am filling up pages and creating noise and thoughts to explain silence! Funny isn't it?

             All I want you to do is imagine a tiny cell, its tiny nucleus floating around in a pool of fluid, imagine the space within that cell... noiseless, filled with what we call essence of all life, imagine it filled with light, radiating all around it.That is the language of God!

Life happened to me...... I lost touch with myself and was living on a treadmill of activity. I just lost myself in the constant, relentless speed of today's world. Life was moving at such a speed that I started feeling breathless and upset. I started feeling really sad and unfulfilled. Untill, I watched a game of Tennis between Federer and Djokovich. I suddenly realised what was wrong! I had stopped loving what I was doing! It had become a routine for me. It had stopped to feel like the joy of my life. What went wrong?....
Words from poems stopped reciting in my mind....
music and songs stopped ringing in my ears..
colours of the sky stopped blooming in my eyes... 
I was saddened and disturbed by the  lack of rhythm in my life...But then, I saw a baby smile and it dawned on me.It dawned on me that what was lacking was the lack of wonder and enthusiasm.Passion for what we do is all very well to succeed but the embers of passion should not burn the delicate fabric of ease and flow of life which comes from being. Just being... going with flow.. letting the world float by...
what works for me is an early morning stroll on the beach. The breeze, the sound of waves and birds. The sky turning from dark blue to pink and then blue like a pretty baby's eyes.The feel of the sand flowing through my fingers.

                        What do you do when Life becomes dreary? 








Sunday 13 October 2013

As one grows... old or wise.. one starts collecting and recollecting  wisdom alongwith guilt and regret, of moments spent ,of lessons learnt. It is at such times one realises the magic or should I say secret of one's journey. The lessons collected seem to be all that the greats of all times have always told us or left behind them in the form of works of art or science. Lessons which have withstood the tests of time.simple lessons.... Poetry of Rabindranath Tagore, paintings of Leonardo da vinci, plays of Shakespere, Dnyaneshwari by Dnayaneshwar. It is as if time is leaving us clues... to experience the entire universe and the truth of time in one lifetime through all these works...

The drama of the universe is coming to its end ,I believe
what better consolation than words of greats, to relieve
the tiredness in bones and the hopelessness in the hearts
cause, words were born even before we turned in the womb of time...

Wednesday 2 October 2013


Childhood was synonymous with bubbling laughter, running through the streets , skipping ropes, cycle races, summer holidays at the granny's, skies full of stars on cool summer nights.... Are our children enjoying the same carefree ways of our childhood?? I don't think so. What we see in our children is an impatience to grow up. It is not that they are not full of promise. Challenge them and you see the entire spectrum of abilities rise...
And Wisdom, you sure see that too.. however what is lost is innocence, the wonder that we, as children, experienced. That is sad. and the loss of innocence has given rise to cynicism.Well.... hope that the wisdom they have, also teaches them to have clean fun.. the glee one felt in the surge of the swing, the swing of the kite and the rush of air through the hair while cycling. 

Sunday 10 February 2013

"Come to me, Rumi implores, even if you have broken your vows a thousand times"..
The problem with us is that we feel we are on a path of spiritual progress where,  if we slip once, we can never ever make it... Rumi, tells us to have heart and start right where from we slipped.. the path is irreversible.. the only thing is we may take a while to reach the final destination..

Sunday 2 September 2012

One day I want to paint a night sky full of stars...I want to paint the cool breeze, the profound peace and the timelessness one feels while gazing at the night sky...I want to paint the satiny softness of the night soothing my soul... But I guess my desire to share that feeling with you all may be left unfulfilled owing to my glaring lack of ability to paint!!!

So, the next best thing for me to do, is to ask you all to experience this inexplicable moment once in your life.. to hold your loved one's hand and feel the presence. Presence of ... timelessness, life,God.

Rumi had said, "Outside ideas of right doing and wrong doing there is a field.
I'll meet you there." This field that Rumi is talking about is the place called NOW! NOW is the place where you are free from your past and future.. Now is the place where the mistakes of your past or the worries of your future do not exists.  If you do not let these mistakes or worries affect you in the present, then this present is the field where you will find the joy of timelessness.


Need help from all you guys...
can you complete some sanskrit shloks or subhashits as they are called...

शतेषु जायते शूर: सहस्त्रेषु च पंडित: |