“silence is the language of God,
all else is poor translation.”
Silence like all other words has so many meanings, so many shades... Rumi talks of silence of contemplation, of introspection and of inner peace. In the silence of our hearts God speaks to us. Cause knowing oneself is knowing God. The noise in the head is the voice of logic, of reason, which noise tries to drown us and our link to God.
But seriously, how many do take silence as a strength? silence is considered as a weakness. It is taken as a evidence of guilt. I don't know.... many are even scared of this silence inside. they try fill it with words, thoughts and create so much of noise that they cant even hear the voice of their inner self, telling us to be quiet and be still.
Here I am filling up pages and creating noise and thoughts to explain silence! Funny isn't it?
All I want you to do is imagine a tiny cell, its tiny nucleus floating around in a pool of fluid, imagine the space within that cell... noiseless, filled with what we call essence of all life, imagine it filled with light, radiating all around it.That is the language of God!
So true. In search of silence within us, we tend to create more noise.